Partner with Us

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us.

There is so much need around the world, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming not knowing the part we can play.

By donating to 3BuildGlobal, we will be able to steward the funds we receive towards humanitarian efforts that impact families and communities in countries like Haiti, Iraq, Albani, Kosovo and others.

We are so grateful to have partners from all around the world who enable us to build homes, schools and churches, as well as to provide medical supplies, food, hygiene essential kits and tools.

We look forward to having you be a part of the 3BuildGlobal efforts!



Thank you for your generous gift. It will enable us to help those in desperate need around the world. Get started by selecting your preferred giving option below.


While this option is suitable for one-off and monthly donations, please note the 3% fee on all giving.


Donate here or download the app. You can also search @Bobs3BG on the app


This requires app download unless you have an account already. Only suitable for one-off donations. No fees.

All gifts are tax-deductible.