Fire Breaks Out in Refugee Camp in Iraq

In June 2021, a fire broke out in one of the refugee camps in Kurdistan, resulting in many tents being destroyed, burning down what little the Syrian refugees had left.

Our US team arrived in Kurdistan, gathered necessary supplies with the help of the locals, and travelled to the camp to provide food, water and essentials like female sanitary pads for the women refugees there.

We found out later from the locals that fires that break out in refugee camps are often suicidal attempts that start with people lighting up their gas tanks - one of the few items they are given when they are designated to their tents.

To them, it was better that they die than to be trapped in the camp with no real prospects of ever leaving. Some of these refugees have been there for 7 years or more.

Sadly, some of these suicidal attempts had been successful, while the others were hospitalised with severe burns.

Despite the challenge of meeting with those who are in deep pain and suffering from losing everything once again, it was a joy to be able to help them in a practical way and show them the love of God by simply showing up in person.

Even though it is heartbreaking, we go to places like this simply because we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Material goods, as helpful as they are, can only go so far. It is only by the love of God can we bring hope, healing and comfort to those who are mourning.

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