Church Dedications and a New School in Haiti

My life is really simple and my prayers are really simple.

My prayer is, “Lord, what is the good You want me to do? Where is that good you want me to do? When do you want it done? And how are you going to pay for it, Lord?”

Somethings require planning and other things are spiritually spontaneous. Today was one of those days.

We went to the church we had built last year, we dedicated the building and ordained the pastor. (They gave us roosters as presents!)

Then I went to see their Saturday morning Kids Club in Latan Pleisance De Sud, an area poorer than most here.

The kids shared that they wanted a school, so I asked them if they believed that God would provide that for them and they raised their hands and shouted yes!

With the gifts of our 3BuildGlobal partners, God answered our prayers a year later and helped us start a school for 1st Grade, 2nd and 3rd Grade. We also got to hire three teachers.

So here we are, God has provided the new Open Doors School in one of the most underprivileged and under-resourced area in Haiti, so more children can have access to education and hope of a better future.


Micro-loans for Women in Haiti


Baby survives earthquake.